art work for sale
Marije Tolman has a special bond with the most beautiful bookshop of the world.
The Bookstor
Bookstor ︎
Noordeinde 39
The Hague
The Netherlands

The Bookstor is full of original art work from Marije Tolman: linnen tote bags, chocobars, wallpaper, posters, postcards, wrapping paper, notebooks, limited edition sketchbooks, original art work, risographs, framed and unframed. Her books are available in various translations and if you’re lucky: signed with small drawings.

The elephant on the window marched straight from Marije’s atelier around the corner, for the best coffee in town. The font and typography is designed by the transcendent Baron von Fonthausen.

— Bookstor ︎︎︎
— Baron von Fonthausen ︎︎︎
— Rock paper ink ︎︎︎