
Little fox is the result of a real urge to experiment, the power of language, a love of life, and an outstanding collaboration between illustrator Marije Tolman and author Edward van de Vendel. The central figure in this harmonious picture story is a fox cub who wants nothing more than to discover life, but then takes a tumble and finds himself in a dream.

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Edward van de Vendel
Marije Tolman
Querido Amsterdam
TranslationsRussian, KompasGuide
German, Gerstenberg
French, Albin Michel
Italian, Il Castoro
English, Levine Querido (USA)
Iran, Read My World
Macedonian, Chudna Suma
Spanish, Adriana Hidalgo/Pípala (Argentina)
Slovenian, Sanje
Slovak, IKAR
Lithuanian, Nieko Rimto
Türkisch, Meav
Chinese, Jieli
Polish, Widnokrąg
Silver Pencil 2019 (for the illustrations)
Silver Slate 2019 (for the text)
Shortlist Boekenleeuw, Belgium 2019
White Raven, Germany 2019
Kröte des Monats Februar, Austria 2020
Graphic design Herman Houbrechts
Edward van de Vendel
Marije Tolman
Querido Amsterdam
German, Gerstenberg
French, Albin Michel
Italian, Il Castoro
English, Levine Querido (USA)
Iran, Read My World
Macedonian, Chudna Suma
Spanish, Adriana Hidalgo/Pípala (Argentina)
Slovenian, Sanje
Slovak, IKAR
Lithuanian, Nieko Rimto
Türkisch, Meav
Chinese, Jieli
Polish, Widnokrąg
Silver Pencil 2019 (for the illustrations)
Silver Slate 2019 (for the text)
Shortlist Boekenleeuw, Belgium 2019
White Raven, Germany 2019
Kröte des Monats Februar, Austria 2020
Graphic design Herman Houbrechts